





Sugaren は、バイオマスエネルギーと燃料変換に関する研究を行っています。特にリグノセルロース系や草本系のバイオマスから炭水化物やリグニンを抽出し、研究機関や大学、企業など様々なお客様に提供しています。




他のスプレードライヤー計5機種と比較しました。要因として、主に 価格、噴霧量、ノズルタイプを検討しました。




■Please tell us about the research conducted in your field.

Sugaren is conducting research on biomass energy and fuel conversion. In particular, we extract carbohydrates and lignin from lignocellulosic and herbaceous biomass and provide them to various customers such as research institutes, universities, and companies.

■For what research do you mainly use the spray dryer?

It is used for research on the powdering of lignin produced from lignocellulosic and herbaceous biomass. We believe that we can simplify the lignin powder production process (filtration-drying-grinding) before using a spray dryer and are conducting experiments.

■Please tell us why you chose our spray dryer.

Comparison with a total of 5 other spray dryers. Factors mainly considered include price, spray volume, and nozzle type.

■Please tell us what you like about our spray dryers.

The advantage seems to be good temperature maintenance and uniform spraying. There were no nozzle build-up issues, making it suitable for long-term use, and the transparent glass of the main chamber was very convenient.
