海外でロータリーエバポレーターRE212BW-Dをご使用しているKorea Analysis Test Researcher(韓国)にお話を伺いました。
使用機器: RE212BW-D * 1台, CF312 * 1台
Model : RE212BW-D * 1EA, CF312 * 1EA
■Brief introduction of laboratory
This research institute carries out accredited testing related to microorganisms (antibacterial, anti-fungal), cells (anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic), microplastics, component analysis (UHPLC, GC/MS, ICP-OES), and animal testing. In addition, we are conducting our own research on the development of functional materials using natural products.
■What kind of research do you do using rotary evaporator?
A Yamato concentrator (RE212-D) is used for solvent distillation during the extraction and purification process of natural products. Additionally, it is used for sample preprocessing in connection with requests for component analysis.
■ Why did you choose Yamato evaporator?
I think the biggest advantage is durability. It can be operated stably in the distillation work of various solvents, and the convenience of operation (display and buttons) and convenience of cleaning are very good compared to other products. I also really like the standard provision of insulated covers for the connecting tubes and cooling pipes.

【Multi-dimension Organic Materials Lab /
orea Analysis Test Researcher】